
TrustEat strategic plan is structured in 4 main blocks:

1) Diagnosis: starting from the analysis of the current situation of INL as well as of the partners, the Consortium will identify the main drivers that will need to be implemented in the project and that will enable INL to excel in the blockchain domain.

2) Definition the Action Plan. From the drivers identified, we will define the contents of the 5 programs to cover the TrustEat identified needs:

2.1 Talent I (Experience Researchers, ER),

2.2 Talent II (Early Stage Researchers, ESRs),

2.3 Talent III (Project Managers, PMs)

2.4 Sustainability

2.5 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation

3) Implementation of the Action Plan. A more detailed plan to implement the 5 previous programs will be developed, specifying how the different actions will be carried out, the timing, which partners will be involved and how the participants will be selected.

4) Evaluation and Monitoring. The follow up of the work plan progress will be monitored during the whole lifetime of the project and an evaluation will be performed periodically, implementing the contingency plan measures in case there were deviations. Recommendations will be extracted from each of the programs to extend the Strategic Roadmap beyond the lifetime of the project.

Talent Programs (I, II, III): The objective of these programs is to provide skills to INL staff to be ready for blockchain challenges. Talent Program I is devoted to identify profiles, improve the capabilities of INL´s Experienced Researchers (ERs) …

Talent Programs (I, II, III):

The objective of these programs is to provide skills to INL staff to be ready for blockchain challenges.

Talent Program I is devoted to identify profiles, improve the capabilities of INL´s Experienced Researchers (ERs) in blockchain and create cooperation links between the institutions

Talent Program II is designed for INL Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to foster their competences in the Food Blockchain domain. Tasks included in these Programs will be focused on joint activities such as workshops, summer schools, training and networking activities.

Talent III targets Project Managers at INL, who will have the opportunity to learn from best practices from WUR and IBM in terms of funding acquisition, grants management and innovation management.