Summer School 1st Edition


Summer 2021 has come to an end and with it our TrustEat Summer School. Here we would like to share with you some precious lessons learnt from it, even interesting for dummies in blockchain!

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Which are the benefits of applying BCT to the Agrifood sector?

  • Value chains in agrifood are complex and interlinked. This is where blockchain can bring value

  • Food authenticity, safety, and traceability of the chains are among the most common topics where BCT can play a key role in the short/mid-term.

    Some examples of benefits:

  • Blockchain allows us to trust labels such as organic food certifies. 

  • Spend less money on certifications such as is the case for traceability of fair trade.

  • With cyber-physical systems more present, Blockchain can prove that machine to machines work well.

  • Economics of information helps us to make choices. If we don’t have the right data, we will not be able to make the right decisions.

To which extent has blockchain been implemented?

  • Blockchain is no longer hype, the IT infrastructure was missing, now there is room for development and it is just starting.

  • New sensing tools are able to provide analytical information that can be part of BCT systems.

  • Using already available mobile phone built-in scanners, a consumer has more information than the government, a retailer or a supplier.

  • There are already many companies applying Blockchain to their products, most of the big companies.

  • Food value chains are complex, hazards/risks can happen, blockchain could help us to act faster. Rapid methods have not been adopted yet by industry, a culture change may be needed to make it happen.

Who may be interested in it?

  • Blockchain may be more accessible for corporates, and not so much for local companies.

  • If one of the stakeholders in the value chain is not willing to share info or the right info, especially at the end of the chain, can lead to the BC not working. The critical Blockchain network lives and dies with the consortium.

  • If we don’t change the way we work, blockchain will never work.

  • Those entities willing to share data may be the winners in the food area.

What do you need to start building your blockchain?

  • You may start building your database with a problem to solve or you with data not having a problem to solve, but finally you reveal a question to be solved.

  • The initiator of the BC needs to make sure in the initial conversations if the problem identified is really a problem. Make sure you understand the day to day issues. IT applications can fail, so we need to put the right effort on it.

  • You cannot use blockchain in the right way if you don’t have norms, standardization is key.

  • As Food chains are complex, it is easier to apply Blockchain to shorter food value chains.

  • Smart contracts can be written in any programming language, instead of having to learn it.

  • The workflow of Hyperledger Fabric is a good example of an open source BCT tool that has been applied to the agri-food industry.

  • The practical implementation of the software may be complex. It is important to ensure the transparency of the technology.

  • GIT tracking software can be used with everything, even with papers. Try to use libraries so that you don’t have to do anything from yourself. For any project that you may have, there are thousands of libraries.

Know more about this edition here.